Friday, July 13, 2007

Duology Two Links

Canned improv available here, with me on piano on all tracks:

rosS Hamlin
guitar, invisible hand puppets

Molly Sturges
voice, effects

Carlos Santistevan

JSA Lowe

JA Deane
samples, live samples

Milton Villarrubia III

Recorded live at The College of Santa Fe, Friday, July 6, by Fly On The Wall Productions. (Thanks again, Stephen Schmidt).

Much gratitude to the performers for bringing so much to this second Duology. Some performers bringing what they brought despite recovery from serious illness, impending marriage, moving 500 miles away, leaving for Verona the following day, having just returned from a two week tour, etc.

Many thanks, also, to a certain indispensable person for hosting on her server (you know who you are). It took forever due to the file size, transitional internet unavailability, the downloading of Fetch, etc. A long time that could otherwise have been spent on packing, wrangling with utility companies, etc. My gratitude is suffused with sheepish guilt.

The technology thing had me in its jaws also much of yesterday, doing the regular radio show and then back in the studio at 6:30 to produce the Sonny Rollins interview, not done until 11:30. It's actually still not done: the segment of East Broadway Rundown came out too hot, with distorted peaks during the opening head, and I would like to put a Lester Young mix behind Sonny's comments during a brief section. Don't know if I'll have time before the interview airs on KSFR, Thursday, July 26, from 1-3 Mountain Time. I did get a condensed text version into the Santa Fe Reporter for publication on July 25, a record 13 days in advance.

Mr. Rollins is a very thoughtful man who does not jump immediately into responses to questions, at least not on the phone. The first go through the interview involved a painstaking edit of the plain voice file, tightening up the pauses, removing both his and my own ums and so on. Splicing musical selections, both on their own and as backgrounds, took the rest of the time. The total time with music ends up at 63 minutes, so I'll have to broadcast it in two sections during the 1-3 time slot. (remarkably, the total time of the raw voice recording is 60 minutes, and I added perhaps 12 minutes of music yesterday, which means I edited out roughly 9 minutes of ums and pauses.....)

Enjoy the above *free music* and let me know what you feel about it.


Moandji Ezana said...

Is it still possible to listen to the interview? I missed it.

Peter Breslin said...

Hi- At some point, after I'm settled in and get used to producing radio shows from a home studio, I'll upload the interview. There's a highly abbreviated print version here:


Anonymous said...

Great music here!

I only just got a chance to listen to it (for some reason I listened in nearly exactly reverse order) - what adventurous collaborations!

For my two cents I thoroughly enjoyed this set [probably even more than the previous tracks]

Peter Breslin said...

hey Massimo- many thanks, thanks for listening.